Trophies for The StoryTale

The StoryTale The StoryTale
The StoryTale
The StoryTale The StoryTale
You've completed the set of trophies!
Goblin Crossbow
Goblin Crossbow The StoryTale
You've helped the goblin with a crossbow
A new hammer
A new hammer The StoryTale
You've got yourself a new hammer
Quest complete!
Quest complete! The StoryTale
You've completed the quest!
Goblin The StoryTale
You've helped the goblin
Goblin Archer
Goblin Archer The StoryTale
You've helped the goblin archer
Goblin Druid
Goblin Druid The StoryTale
You've helped the goblin druid
Goblin Bomber
Goblin Bomber The StoryTale
You've helped the goblin bombler
Level 10 completed
Level 10 completed The StoryTale
You've completed 10 levels of the game
Level 20 completed
Level 20 completed The StoryTale
You've completed 20 levels of the game
A new spell
A new spell The StoryTale
You've learned a new spell
Another new spell
Another new spell The StoryTale
What a fast learner you are!